Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Perfect October Treat

Applesauce Muffins

4 cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon allspice
2 t baking soda
(Mix all, set aside)

Cream together:
1 cup butter, softened (yes, 1 cup.  Shut up.)
2 cups sugar (yes, 2 cups.  Do it.)

2 eggs.
2 cups applesauce
1 tablespoon vanilla

Add dry ingredients, stir until moistened.
Option:  Add 1 cup raisins.  I put it up to a vote in my household.  No raisins.
For some reason, on my recipe card, I have written:  "Raisin tip:  Pinch of flour to coat before folding in."  I've never used this tip, but I find it hilarious that it's documented here.

Fill lined muffin tins.  This recipe made 2 dozen good sized muffins.  Bake at 350 degrees F for 20 - 25 minutes.  These smelled AMAZING while cooking.  The aroma actually caused Erik to ask me if I was making apple pie.  Erik really appreciates my cooking, in general, but he loves when I get bit by the baking bug.  We always have the same conversation, where he comes in and gets faux-beligerent about the amount of time it's taking something to cook, and then I explain that I'm just obeying the laws of physics.  

In this case, I downplayed these muffins just a bit.  First of all, I was not so sure about the 'batter'.  This was not a pourable consistency, in the least.  It was quite dense, and had to be spooned into the liners.  Plus, I'd never made these before.  I have NO IDEA where I got the recipe.  Perhaps it came from you?  I just don't know.  Plus, I used applesauce that I had made myself.   So.  You know.  I just couldn't be sure what would be coming out of the oven.
Turns out?  They are delicious!  I've got three little mice who tell me so.  It took them a half dozen muffins to be certain, but their thoroughness is appreciated.


  1. these look great!
    i think i will make them for the boys birthday next month. next month!? i can not believe they are almost 2. yikes!!!!

  2. Oooooh butter, sounds good, I'll have to try them.

  3. @ Michelle ~ I can't believe it either! TWO! Two is so wonderful. Both of my children were so fun when they were two. I'll let you find out about three for yourself. :) I think these would be the perfect birthday treat, by the way! They are just the perfect sweet (but not too sweet!) fall goodie!

    @ Linda ~ ha! You can't go wrong with that much butter, amirite?!?

  4. you can never have too much butter or too much love
